US Universities
President Barak Obama states it best:
“Our Higher Education system is one of the things that makes America Exceptional. There is no place else that has the assets we do when it comes to higher education. People from all over the world aspire to come and study here and that is a good thing“.
We have approximately 4000 institutions in the United States ranging from small liberal arts, to the Ivy Leagues and our state schools. World Student Support will assists families in finding the best schools suitable to each student.
College/University Advising
Preparing for university is one of the first important and difficult decisions facing students as they enter adulthood. World Student Support maximizes a student’s successful matriculation by taking the time to get to know each student as an individual by considering cultural, social and emotional factors as well as the best academic fit. We work in a collaborative manner with parents and students to create a working portfolio consisting of a personal profile, resume, applications, essay support, interview advice,/rehearsal, campus tour tips.

University Abroad
A growing number of US students choose to study in the United Kingdom and Canada as well as at US universities abroad. Students interested in pursuing this option need to be aware of the high school prerequisites necessary to gain admittance as well as which standardized tests are preferred by specific schools. World Student Support will help find the best matches and design the high school course load that will best support your student’s application. In addition, World Student Support can advise on the visa requirements necessary for each country.
Students With Learning Challenges
Students with learning disabilities (LD) have additional hoops to jump through when applying to university. World Student Support ensures that students with specific learning disabilities apply to schools with a strong commitment to supporting LD students. In addition to the college application portfolio created for all its clients, World Student Support helps LD students identify the colleges and universities best suited to their individual needs, meet deadline dates for SAT/ACT for extended time on tests, as well as gather and submit all materials necessary for support at university.