Revise your four year plan or make sure you are on track. Weigh options for community service, summer plans and extra curricular options.
This is a good time to be introduced to university/college options and Gap Year possibilities. As far as Gap Year options go, a great website is: Gap Year Association (more on that in another blog)
- Remember: grades are permanent on your record
- Continue being involved in extracurricular activities that you enjoy
- If your school offers a college-counseling workshop, attend it!
- Think about a study program, work experience or community service for the summer, or my favorite-summer camp! For camp ideas head over to American Camp Association.
- However, if you liked last year’s activity, stick with it
- Research colleges: Grade 10 is a good time to start an unofficial college search in order to set academic goals for yourself. If you have an opportunity, visit some college campuses in your area, take a tour for a ‘look/see’ to get a feel for what a campus is like
- Testing: some schools have students take the PSAT (College Board) and/or the pre ACT Test (by the ACT organization). Registration takes place in September. This usually happens within the school. PSAT may be retaken Junior year for National Merit Scholarship
- Keep filling in your activities record, start a resume so your application process for university will be a bit less hectic, and a resume will be helpful if you wish to look for a summer job
- Keep reading and keep a list of books you have read and perhaps your impression of the books you have read
- Keep journaling
Keep reflecting on your year… it is good to do this as grades come out. What went well, what were the highlights of each quarter, what needs to be improved and make a plan. Keep some of your outstanding assignments from each class in a portfolio. Keep all grades and transcripts.