Gap Year: Should You or Shouldn’t You?

Seniors are wrapping up their university applications and hopefully are breathing a sigh of relief to have this

Seniors are wrapping up their university applications and hopefully are breathing a sigh of relief to have this massive task behind them. Choosing which university to attend is one of the biggest decisions a young adult will make, if not the biggest decision of their young life so far. So much research to determine what is deemed a life changing experience went into this decision. Not only did they undertake a real life research task, students had to juggle this task, academics, extra curricular activities as well as family life. It’s a lot to do. It is also a major economic undertaking. The research leans towards the fact that students are finishing university in five to six years.

So, what might happen to students who may wish to research a Gap Year? They may experience several things: first, students may feel that their whole existence has been swallowed up in their academic lifestyle and eye on that college admissions prize. What if… students felt like they were swallowed up in academia and had no time to pursue a dream, a passion or wanted to become really good at something? What if… a student wanted to travel the world before pursuing their university career? How does one do this? Does it mean that higher education will take a back seat forever? Doubtful, in fact, the research indicates quite the opposite. Big questions… how does a student defer their university acceptance? How does a Gap Year allow a student to grow and focus on the their studies? What changes in a student’s life? How does a Gap Year help focus a college student and one question I will answer is that the research is leaning towards college students not only completing their degree within four years, but finding their focus and major.

Listen to a web cast on Sunday, November 22:

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Time: 3:00 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific
Will Your Student Benefit From a Gap Year?
To listen in to the streaming audio over the web, go to

Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Pin Code: 441436#

First, keep in mind; there are professionals who assist families with students who wish to take a Gap Year. Second, there are organizations families can look to. First, The American Gap Association ( is one organization, with one of their many goals of normalizing gap years along with the proven benefits of Gap Years. A great way to research these organizations is by attending a fair: USA Gap Year Fair. These fairs launch in January and may come to a city near you. Check the website:

Again, as many families employ Independent Educational Consultants for the university search, there are the same for Gap Year. Enjoy the teleseminar and feel free to contact World Student Support either by email or phone: 303.526.9148

Happy Gap Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!