Resumes and College/University Application

Students in high school often wonder if they should craft a resume for university. The response I generally

Students in high school often wonder if they should craft a resume for university. The response I generally give:  every student should have a resume. When students apply for jobs or internships, they should present a resume to the prospective employer. So, I always have students first fill in an activities roster to organize their activities, volunteer hours, leadership, sports, etc.  then craft their resume. Do universities request resumes? Not necessarily, but some do, and students can also put their resumes on their own digital platform that admissons can link into if they have an interest (or time). It can’t hurt. And, as previously stated, students can have a resume handy for job hunting and internships. In addition, this is always a nice addition to give teachers for those Letters of Recommendation… teachers don’t know everything about the students, and this gives them an opportunity to do a deeper dive into the letter and write with more depth as they find out more about the student. 

A colleague and super researcher, Nancy Griesemer, MPA (a trusted and prolific and professional blogger)  from Virginia has written a blog about resumes and college admissions has given me permission to share some nuts and bolts about resumes and college applications. Read with care… as there is some super information included in this blog. 

Résumés continue to add value in the college admissions process

For additional advice on how to craft your resume, do not hesitate to contact me at:

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