I know it sounds crazy to be thinking of summer in December and this year is almost behind us. I am amazed at how many emails, as well as catalogues and packages have come through already describing extraordinary summer programs.

While we look to Spring Break, we see the light at the end of the tunnel… meaning; the end of the school year is pretty much around the corner. Things have changed since my children were in school, and of course, even since way back when I was in school. There were fewer options for summer. We looked at camp, summer school and whatever was in the local vicinity. Today, there seems to be an explosion of options and sometimes that makes choice all the more difficult.

Common Application introduces the new prompts discussing the 2017-2018 Common Application prompts. The application won’t go live until August 2017, so plenty of time to stew and think about which essay suits you best. [...]

A Book Review: Buddy A Story for Dyslexia by Robin McEvoy Ph.d Illustrated by Tessa McEvoy learningmoxie.com 8/23/2016 Buddy is a colorful picture book about a family of birds – a mom and dad and their three children: Betty, Billy and Buddy. Betty and Billy sing nicely for their dinner, Buddy struggles with the ‘Birdy’ […]